Chanukah Pajama Party! 3 Fun Holiday Activities for Kids

With the holidays in full swing, I thought it would be a great time to share 3 fun ways to make the them special for your kids, no matter what you celebrate! And these ideas are not just limited to the winter holidays, but things you can do all year round! I’m planning to do some of these activities in the coming weeks and months with my daughters for New Years and Valentine’s Day. The girls and I changed into our most festive pajamas (a new tradition that I hope we continue to do every year going forward) and got into the holiday spirit. Keep reading for my top 3 easy holiday activities for kids!

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Nothing gets me or my kids more excited for the holidays than decorating! You can add some little touches throughout your home to make the holidays extra special. This year for Chanukah, I added some twinkling lights to my headboard and blue and white throw pillows and a plaid blanket scarf to my bed. Every time I walk into my room, it feels extra cozy and makes me smile! We also decorated the girls’ play kitchen for the holiday, as well as our mantel and dining table. You can see our favorite Chanukah toys and books for kids here and how we decorated for Chanukah here. I let my girls help me open up all of the decorations when we brought them out of storage and they loved being my little assistants!


If your kids are anything like mine, they love getting new toys and gifts. Something I love doing during the holidays, is reading seasonal books with them to teach them about the holiday. We make sure to include one or two new books that they’re excited about and we can build their holiday book collection each year. I share our favorite Chanukah books in this blog post, but this reading tradition is something we like to do all year long. This year, I put the seasonal books on a smaller bookshelf for the girls, and created a cozy reading nook for us, complete with a furry blanket and tons of wintry pillows!


You don’t have to be Martha Stewart or Ina Garten to prepare festive food for the holidays. I don’t make latkes from scratch and I’m not a pro baker by any means, but I still try to prepare special treats for my family as a way to celebrate together. This year, we made used these Chanukah cookie cutters to turn these box-mix brownies into stars, dreidels, and menorahs and added some blue and white sprinkles on top. I also took store-bought latkes and had my daughters help me make a Latke toppings board, complete with different flavored apple-sauces, sour cream, jams, and even lox. My toddler loved making a Chanukah gingerbread house and eating the decorations along the way ;) If you are able to cook and bake from scratch, go for it! But if you’re more like me, don’t let it stop you from spending time in the kitchen with your kids! Next year, I want to try making these edible dreidels and this blue and white candy board.

I hope the ideas in this post inspire you and you are able to do some of these activities with your children, no matter what the holiday is!


Photos by Nadia Leon Photography

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